Order of Prime-Numbered Verses; 36:83

Order of Prime-Numbered Verses; 36:83

Ali R. Fazely (4/8/2016)

Therefore, glory to the One in whose hand is the kingship of all things and to Him you will be returned.

Ultimate Mathematics generates all aspects of the Quran.
Note, it is a based on the 8th prime, 19.

The 19th initialed sura in the Quran is 36 and it has 83 verses which is a prime number. We can track the number of prime-numbered verses till 36:83. We find it is the 951st prime-numbered verse from the beginning of the Quran.

951 is a semi-prime and its index is 285 which happens to the frequency of the initialsYaSeen in this sura called YaSeen.

951,being a semi-prime by default,is a composite and its index is 789. 789 is the index of Lonely Gaussian Prime 20219.However, 20219is the 2286prime number, signifying sura 2 has 286 verses. 20219 is also is Lonely Prime and its index is 1599, pointing to the fact that sura 15 has 99 verses. Hence the function of 951 is to control the count of initials is sura 36 and the number of verses in suras 2 and 15!

Say, if all the humans and the jinns banded together to produce a Quran like this, they would not be able to produce one like it, no matter how much assistance they give one another.