سورة التكوير
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وَإِذَا ٱلْمَوْءُۥدَةُ سُئِلَتْ ﴿٨﴾
[81:8] And when the female baby who was buried alive, is asked-
عَلِمَتْ نَفْسٌۭ مَّآ أَحْضَرَتْ ﴿١٤﴾
[81:14] Every soul will know what she has prepared for herself.
إِنَّهُۥ لَقَوْلُ رَسُولٍۢ كَرِيمٍۢ ﴿١٩﴾
[81:19] This is indeed the utterance of an honorable messenger.
ذِى قُوَّةٍ عِندَ ذِى ٱلْعَرْشِ مَكِينٍۢ ﴿٢٠﴾
[81:20] Endowed with power from the Possessor of the exalted throne.
وَلَقَدْ رَءَاهُ بِٱلْأُفُقِ ٱلْمُبِينِ ﴿٢٣﴾
[81:23] And indeed he saw Him at the clear horizon.
وَمَا هُوَ عَلَى ٱلْغَيْبِ بِضَنِينٍۢ ﴿٢٤﴾
[81:24] And he does not withhold any news regarding the unseen.
وَمَا هُوَ بِقَوْلِ شَيْطَٰنٍۢ رَّجِيمٍۢ ﴿٢٥﴾
[81:25] And this is not the utterance of a rejected devil
إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا ذِكْرٌۭ لِّلْعَٰلَمِينَ ﴿٢٧﴾
[81:27] Indeed, this is only a reminder for all the people.
لِمَن شَآءَ مِنكُمْ أَن يَسْتَقِيمَ ﴿٢٨﴾
[81:28] For anyone who wills from amongst you, let him go on a straight path.
وَمَا تَشَآءُونَ إِلَّآ أَن يَشَآءَ ٱللَّهُ رَبُّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ ﴿٢٩﴾
[81:29] And you will not unless it is in accordance with God‘s will, Lord of the Multiverse.