114-Al-Naas – The People Chapter :001: Al-Fatehah - The Opener002: Al-Baqarah - The Heifer003: Al-e-Imran - The Amramites004: Al-Nesa - The Women005: Al-Maedeh - The Feast006: Al-Anam - The Livestock007: Al-Aaraf - The Purgatory008: Al-Anfal - The Volunteer Work009: Attawbah - Repentance010: Younus - Jonah011: Hud - Judah012: Yousuf - Joseph013: Al-Raad - The Thunder014: Ibrahim - Abraham015: Al-Hijr - Interdiction016: Al-Nahl - The Bee017: Bani Israel - The Transport018: Al-Kahf - The Cave019: Maryam - Mary020: Ta Ha - Taa-haa021: Al-Anbya - The Prophets022: Al-Hajj - The Pilgrimage023: Al-Muminun - The Believers024: An-Noor - Light025: Al-Furqan - The Status Book026: Al-Shuara - The Poets027: An-Naml - The Ant028: Al-Qasas - The Narrations029: Al-Ankabut - The Spider030: Al-Room - The Rome031: Luqman - Luqman032: As-Sajdah - Prostration033: Al-Ahzab - The Parties034: Saba - Sheba035: Fater - Initiator036: YaSeen - Ya-see037: Al-Saffat - The Rows038: Saad - Saad039: Az-Zumar - The Throngs040: Ghafer - Forgiver041: Fussilat - Elucidated042: Al-Shoora - Consultation043: Al-Zukhruf - Vanity044: Al-Dukhan - The Smoke045: Al-Jatheyah - Kneeling046: Al-Ahqaf - The Dunes047: Muhammad - Muhammad048: Al-Fatt-h - Victory049: Al-Hujurat - The Walls050: Qaaf - Qaaf051: Al-Dhareyat - The blowing Winds052: Al-Tur - The Tur053: Al-Najm - The Star054: Al-Qamar - The Moon055: Al-Rahman - The All Gracious056: Al-Waaqeah - The Event057: Al-Hadeed - Iron058: Al-Mujaadalah - The Argument059: Al-Hashr - The Exodus060: Al-Mumtahanah - The Tested Woman061: Al-Suff - The Formations062: Al-Jumuah - Friday063: Al-Munaafeqoon - The Hypocrites064: Al-Taghaabun - Mutual Blame065: Al-Talaaq - Divorce066: At-Tahreem - Prohibition067: Al-Mulk - The Kingship068: Al-Qalam - The Pen069: Al-Haaqqah - The Inevitable070: Al-Ma`aarej - The Heighest Heights071: Noah - Noah072: Al-Jinn - The Jinn073: Al-Muzzammil - The Coverer074: Al-Muddath-thir - The Keeper of the Secret075: Al-Qeyaamah - Resurrection076: Al-Insaan - The Human being077: Al-Mursalaat - The Dispatched078: Al-Nab`a - The News079: Al-Naae‘aat - The Snatchers080: ‘Abasa - He Frowned081: At-Takweer - The Rolling082: Al-Infitaar - The Distintegration083: Al-Mutaffifeen - The Cheaters084: Al-Inshiqaaq - The Splititng085: Al-Burooj - The Constellations086: Al-Taareq - The bright Star087: Al-A‘alaa - The Exalted088: Al-Ghaasheyah - the Overwhelming089: Al-Fajr - The Dawn090: Al-Balad - The Town091: Al-Shams - The Sun092: Al-Layl - The Night093: Al-Duhaa - The Frenoon094: Al-Sharrahh - Cooling of the Temper095: At-Teen - The Fig096: Al-‘Alaq - The Embryo097: Al-Qadr - The Destiny098: Al-Bayyinah - The Proof099: Al-Zalzalah - The Quake100: Al-‘Aadeyaat - The Runneres101: Al-Qaare`ah - The Crushers102: At-Takaathur - Hoarding103: Al-A`sr - The Era104: Al-Homazah - The Backbiter105: Al-Feel - The Elephant106: Quraish - Quraish107: Al-Maa`oon - Sharing108: Al-Kawthar - The Great Bounty109: Al-Kaaferoon - The Disbelievers110: An-Naasr - The Help111: Al-Masad - The Thorns112: Al-Ikhlaas - The Purity113: Al-Falaq - The Daybreak114: Al-Naas - The People115: 116: Verse :114 سورة الناس Al-Naas The People Abdul Basit Abdus Samad Ahmad bin Ali Al-Ajmi Mahmoud Khalil Al-Hussary Mishary Rashid AlafasyAbdul Basit Abdus Samad with English Translation Ahmad bin Ali Al-Ajmi with English Translation Mahmoud Khalil Al-Hussary with English Translation Mishary Rashid Alafasy with English Translation English Translation Only Simple View Advanced View 852021بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِEditIn the name of God, The All Gracious, The All MercifulEdit62293486326274----- Share[114:1]قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ ٱلنَّاسِ ﴿١﴾Edit[114:1] Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of the people. Edit623034873272751728--126- Share[114:2]مَلِكِ ٱلنَّاسِ ﴿٢﴾Edit[114:2] King of the people,Edit623134883282761729--127- Share[114:3]إِلَٰهِ ٱلنَّاسِ ﴿٣﴾Edit[114:3] god of the people. Edit62323489329277----- Share[114:4]مِن شَرِّ ٱلْوَسْوَاسِ ٱلْخَنَّاسِ ﴿٤﴾Edit[114:4] From the evil of the sneaky whisperer. Edit623334903302781730--128- Share[114:5]ٱلَّذِى يُوَسْوِسُ فِى صُدُورِ ٱلنَّاسِ ﴿٥﴾Edit[114:5] The one who whispers into the hearts of the people. Edit62343491331279----- Share[114:6]مِنَ ٱلْجِنَّةِ وَٱلنَّاسِ ﴿٦﴾Edit[114:6] From amongst the jinns and the people.Edit Edit