Verse 002001

الٓمٓ ﴿١﴾
Alif Laam Meem

Searchable text:الم
Translation:Alif Laam Meem
Ayah text:الٓمٓ
Sura Name: البقرة 
Arabic Recitation:
Verse ID:002001

Compilation Order Verse Number: 8
Compilation Order Initialed Chapter Verse Number1
Revaluation Order Verse Number: 4614
Revelation Order Initialed Chapter Verse Number: 2215
Compilation Order Prime Numbered Verse: Not a prime numbered verse
Compilation Order Verse Containing the Word God: This verse does not contain the word "God"
Frequency of the Word God by Compilation Order: This verse does not contain the word "God"
Revelation Order Prime Numbered Verse: Not a prime numbered verse
Revelation order Verse Containing the Word God: This verse does not contain the word "God"

Verse Facts:

الٓمٓ ﴿١﴾
Alif Laam Meem
The counts of A’s + L’s + M’s is 9899 9899 = 19 X 521. Note that number 19 is the 8th prime and number 521 is the 98th prime. These numbers verify that chapter 19 has 98 verses and that chapter 98, called “the proof” has 8 verses. We can make six numbers with the permutation operation of the number 521. These are, 125, 152, 215, 251, 512, and 521. Only two of these numbers are primes, 251 and 521, and one number is a multiple of 19, that is 152 = 8 X 19. Remember that 8th prime is 19. The two primes 251 and 521 are 54th and 98th primes, respectively, and; 54 + 98 = 152 = 8 X 19. Therefore, we are back to 19 and its index 8.